VRT is a specialised form of Physiotherapy that helps patients with dizziness, balance problems or vertigo.
It involves exercises to improve balance, reduce dizziness and movements that help the brain adjust to changes in the inner ear or vestibular system which controls our sense of balance.
Research suggests that it can help with:
Tailored Exercises
Therapists create exercises tailored to each patient including eye, head, body movements that help the brain to learn to process balance signals more accurately reducing symptoms over time.
Your doctor should be involved in your care as there are many causes of dizziness including cardiovascular, medication and neurological causes. Liaison with other clinicians may be helpful in your care.

Some presentations like BPPV (Benign Paroxsymal Positional Vertigo) have excellent results that often do not need many sessions and others like PPPD, Vestibular Migraine and Meniere’s disease may have longer timeframes to improve.
Your experience
You will be thoroughly assessed with regards to your dizziness and if appropriate proceed straight to treatment. Some treatments involve manoeuvres to clear otoconia to relieve BPPV; other treatments are exercise based that are performed as part of a home care programme. Manoeuvres to remove otoconia may be part of the treatment or exercises which can be done as part of a home care programme.