Dizziness, Balance
& TMJ Clinic

Empowering patients to take charge of their recovery while maintaining a positive and enthusiastic approach.

Longevity Physiotherapy

I am actively involved in advancing physiotherapy education in Northern Ireland. As a member of the education committee for the ACPIVR (Association of Chartered Physiotherapists Interested in Vestibular Rehabilitation), I have contributed to several training courses. Additionally.

I am a member of ACPTMD (Association of Chartered Physiotherapists Interested in Temporomandibular Disorders), reflecting my expertise in treating complex jaw and facial conditions.

Vestibular Rehabilitation 2

Vestibular Rehabilitation



Vestibular Rehabilitation Home

Home Visit


Vestibular Assessment (1 hour) £90
TMJ Assessment (1 hour) £90
Follow Up (45 mins) £60
Home Visit in Belfast Area £80

Card or cash only and no private medical insurance company cover provided. They don’t allow adequate treatment to take place.